Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's raining, It's pouring, the old man is golfing!

The Crescent Bar Men's Club championship was held this weekend. This is how Bob dressed to golf on Sunday since it was pouring cats and dogs..........and I guess garbage, since Bob left wearing a garbage bag! If there is a prize for best golf attire he just might win.


DeHan said...

This would go perfect with Grandpa's tie up crocs! Aidan and Gwyn loved this picture!

DeHan said...

Ken thinks the PR firm should use this picture to show that Crescent Bar is not all sophisticated Seattlites with 206 area codes!

TUTU Monkey said...

Love the look!!!

I have enjoyed olooking through all your guys look great. Ryan and his girlfriend are so cute.

Sending you lots of hugs from Coroando!!