Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More fun at Palm Desert Resort

Sue is seven months pregnant. I made her take this picture. I remember having my picture taken in a bikini at about the same stage of pregnancy. Harper is all decked out with goggles and water wings but holding on tight to the pole.

Grandpa and Harper pulling on the tug of war statue at the Gardens of El Paseo. The sculpture kids won!

Ring around the rosie, pocket full of ..........


Harper wants everyone to know that his new brother or sister is scheduled to arrive on St. Patrick's Day. Sue thinks it might be a Leprechaun. Well, kiss my blarney stone!

1 comment:

Sabari folk said...

Well kiss my blarney stone...nothing like having your photo taken in a bikini and posted on the internet...pregnant! Good thing the internet is so private.