Saturday, January 2, 2010

Santa brought us some biking gear!

So, New Year's Resolution......get movin'. We donned our new bike pants, helmets, and headed out for a bike ride. Thirteen miles later, I could barely walk. Can't imagine biking without those padded pants. I think Santa should have brought me a new heavily padded bike seat. I would have taken pictures, but capturing us in those tight shorts wouldn't be pretty. You know how women, as they age, say "I am looking more like my mother everyday", well, not me. I am looking more like my brothers! Maybe I should have done that Hormone Replacemnt Therapy thing. So, now we can walk, bike, swim and golf and if that doesn't lower the cholesterol and blood pressure, then I am going to give it all up and take up surfing........that would be Channel surfing.

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