Saturday, February 8, 2014

gotta love those kids!

Last week Sue and Nate came bringing clams and oysters for dinner.  This weekend Ryan and Jaime came loaded with chorizo sausage and clams.  Each weekend, I was able to go grocery shopping and pharmacy without feeling rushed.  Thanks, kids.  Bob really enjoys hanging with our kids, talking about old times and their current life activities.  In a couple of weeks, Anne is coming from Virginia to hang out for the weekend. 
    Jaime in my ski gear.
Jaime said  she didn't have all the gear for going up on the Mountain so I had her try on my ski suit from 1996.  Although it was probably 8 sizes too large for her, it would keep her warm.  The last ski lift tickets still hanging on it were from Timberline Lodge February,  1996 winter break! Those were better than good times!

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